NWPO Socioeconomic Reports
The Nevada Nuclear Waste Project Office has funded studies on a variety of socioeconomic issues and the citizens of Nevada may well be curious what the $15 million expended paid for. Knowing what was left out the studies is perhaps even more important. While the Nevada socioeconomic studies may be 'state-of-the-art', they may not have served Nevadans well as a means of planning their future in regard to Yucca Mountain.
The reports issued by NWPO socioeconomic researchers unfortunately suffer from a number of flaws:
- Except for research on the Indians tribes, the research was done almost exclusively by out-of-state academics with little feel for local culture, economic conditions or traditions.
- Many of the studies have little bearing on Nevada and are in fact philosophical works more suited for academic research papers than the real world.
- The overriding concern in many papers is to find a way to defeat Yucca Mountain, rather than do practical social and economic research. This is evident in some rather bizarre studies.
- Much of the polling is politically motivated.
- The main studies were monopolized by a few social researchers who appeared willing to encroach on the engineering sciences without proper credentials.
- Much of the philosophy proposed is based on Rawlsian ethics. Rawlsian ethics is not part of main stream socioeconomic research because it is speculative and perhaps even revolutionary.
Some of the socioeconomic research problems are evidenced in the titles of their resulting reports and for that reason we've printed the following list of publications available from NWPO to show their philosophical trend. The implications of some of the NWPO studies are obscure, so we've attempted to provide clarification where possible to explain why many of these studies are suspect.
NOTE: Those reports which either have little bearing on Nevada's socioeconomic future, are poor science, or otherwise deserve further study and validation by researchers are marked with a (*). A bracketed comment [ ] following a report suggests possible problems.
- NWPO-SE-001-88 Retirement Migration and Military Retirement Planning Information Corporation (June 1988)
- NWPO-SE-002-88 Characteristics of the Las Vegas / Clark County VisitorEconomy. Planning Information Corporation (June 1988)
- NWPO-SE-003-88 Current Target Industry Analysis: Las Vegas Metropolitan Area. M. Ross Boyle, Growth Strategies Organization (June 1988)
- NWPO-SE-004-88 Business Profile of Metropolitan Las Vegas. M.Ross Boyle, Growth Strategies Organization (June 1988)
- NWPO-SE-005-88 Nevada State Revenue Analysis. Planning Information Corporation (June 1988)
- NWPO-SE-006-88 Nevada Local Government Revenue Analysis. Planning Information Corporation (June 1988)
- * NWPO-SE-008-88 The Effects of Human Reliability in the Transportation of Spent Nuclear Fuel. Seth Tuller, Roger E. Kasperson and Samuel Ratick, Center for Technology, Environment and Development, Clark University (June 1988). [Psychological rather than engineering analysis. Tends to overemphasize inevitability of human error without allowing for adaptive engineering responses. Relies heavily on interpretations of Lindsay Audin of the environmental movement.]
- * NWPO-SE-008-88 Risk Management and Organizational Systems for High-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal: Issues and Priorities. Jacque Emel, Brian Cook and Roger Kasperson with Halina Brown, Robert Goble, Jeff Himmelberger and Seth Tuller, Center for Technology, Environment and Development, Clark University (September 1988) [Lacks engineering analysis]
- * NWPO-SE-009-88 Distributional Equity Problems at the Proposed Yucca Mountain Repository. Roger E. Kasperson and Sassan Abdollahzadeh, Center for Technology, Environment and Development, Clark University (July 1988) [Emphasizes egalitarianism solutions over utilitarianism. Nuclear technology apparently does not conform to egalitarian values]
- * NWPO-SE-010-88 Potential Retrieval of Radioactive Wastes at the Proposed Yucca Mountain Repository: A Preliminary Review of Risk Issues. Robert Goble, Dominic Golding and Roger E. Kasperson, Center for Technology, Environment and Development, Clark University (June 1988) [little engineering expertise evident. Overemphasizes human risk factors.]
- * NWPO-SE-011-88 Postclosure Risks at the Proposed Yucca Mountain Repository: A Review of Methodological and Technical Issues. Jacques Emel, Roger E. Kasperson, Robert Goble and Ortwin Renn, Center for Technology, Environment and Development, Clark University (June 1988) [little engineering expertise evident. Overemphasizes human risk factors.]
- * NWPO-SE-012-88 The Accident at Gorleben: A Case Study of Risk Communication and Risk Amplification in the Federal Republic of Germany. Hans Peter Peters and Leo Hennen, Center for Technology, Environment and Development, Clark University (June 1988) [Risk amplification was to an extent premeditated by anti-nuclear factions.]
- * NWPO-SE-013-88 New Mexico's Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP): An Historical Overview. Ronald G. Cummings, University of New Mexico (June 1988) [Emphasizes opposition politics.]
- * NWPO-SE-014-88 The U.S. Department of Energy's Attempt to Site the Monitored Retrievable Storage Facility (MRS) in Tennessee, 1985 - 1987. Michael R. Fitzgerald and Amy Snyder McCabe, Energy, Environment and Resources Center, University of Tennessee (May 1988)
- * NWPO-SE-015-88 Goiana Incident Case Study. John S. Petterson, Impact Assessment Corporation (June 1988) [Brazilian situation is not very similar to Yucca Mountain, technically or socially]
- NWPO-SE-016-89 Assessment of the Impact of a Nuclear Waste Repository at Yucca Mountain on the Economic Development Potential of Las Vegas, Clark County, and the Surrounding Area. M. Ross Boyle, Growth Strategies Organization (January 1989)
- NWPO-SE-017-89 Summary of Background Fiscal Data and Analysis for Nevada Socioeconomic Study to Date. Planning Information Corporation (January 1989)
- * NWPO-SE-018-89 Assessing the State/Nation Distributional Equity Issues Associated with the Proposed Yucca Mountain Repository: A Conceptual Approach. Roger E. Kasperson and Samuel Ratick, Center for Technology, Environment and Development, Clark University (June 1988) [Based on Rawlsian ethics, the equity question is not relevant to assessing the actual socioeconomic impact, whether fair or not, from Yucca Mountain.]
- * NWPO-SE-019-89 A Framework for Analyzing and Responding to the Equity Problems Involved in High-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal. Roger E. Kasperson, Sam Ratick and Ortwin Renn, Center for Technology, Environment and Development, Clark University (June 1988) [Does not address practical socioeconomic impact issues, but favors Rawlsian issues]
- NWPO-SE-020-89 Nevada State and Local Government Comments on the U.S. Department of Energy's Report to Congress Pursuant to Section 175 of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act, as Amended. Prepared by the Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects and Affected Local Government (March 1989)
- * NWPO-SE-021-89 The Convention Planning Process: Potential Impact of a High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository in Nevada. Howard Kunreuther, Doug Easterling and Paul Kleindorfer, Center for Risk and Decision Processes, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania (September 1988) [Done out-of-state despite local convention analysis expertise.]
- NWPO-SE-022-89 Yucca Mountain Socioeconomic Project: An Interim Report on the State of Socioeconomic Studies. Mountain West Research, Las Vegas, Nevada (June 1989) [ Little objective peer review]
- NWPO-SE-023-89 Perceived Risk, Stigma, and Potential Economic Impacts of a High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository in Nevada. Paul Slovic, et al. of Decision Research, and James Chalmers, et al. of Mountain West Research, Las Vegas (June 1989) [Overemphasizes reactions of people to fears. Ignores Nevada's positive experience with the Nevada Test Site]
- NWPO-SE-024-89 Executive Summary: An Interim Report on the State of Nevada Socioeconomic Studies. Mountain West Research, Las Vegas (June 1989) [ Little objective peer review]
- NWPO-SE-025-89 Yucca Mountain Socioeconomic Project Preliminary Findings: 1989 Nevada Telephone Survey. Mountain West Research (June 1989)
- NWPO-SE-026-90 Native Americans and Yucca Mountain: A Summary Report. Catherine S. Fowler, Maribeth Hamby and Mary Rusco, University of Nevada Reno/Cultural Resources Consultants, Ltd (September 1990)
- NWPO-SE-027-90 Social Amplification of Risk: An empirical Study. William Burns, Paul Slovic, University of Oregon / Decision Research, and Roger Kasperson, Jeanne Kasperson, Ortwin Renn and Srinivas Emani, Center for Technology, Environment and Development, Clark University (September 1990) [Driven by need to justify amplification theory despite contrary local evidence.]
- * NWPO_SE-028-90 What Comes to Mind When You Hear the Words "Nuclear Waste Repository"? A Study of 10,000 Images. Paul Slovic, Mark Layman and James H. Flynn, Decision Research (September 1990) [See chapter19, Fear Sells for rebuttal by Bassett and Hemphil. None of the images associated with the Nevada Test Site appear to haunt tourists, contradicts local experience..]
- * NWPO-SE-029-90 Evaluations of Yucca Mountain: Survey Findings About the Attitudes, Opinions and Evaluations of Nuclear Waste Disposal and Yucca Mountain, Nevada. James H. Flynn, Paul Slovic, C.K. Mertz and James Toma, Decision Research / Coopers and Lybrand (September 1990) [Polling used as political propaganda vehicle rather than objective science.]
- * NWPO-SE-30-90 Images of a Place and Vacation Preferences: Implications of the 1989 Surveys for Assessing the Economic Impacts of a Nuclear Waste Repository in Nevada. Paul Slovic, Mark Layman and James H. Flynn, Decision Research (September 1990) [Overemphasizes negative nuclear imagery despite contrary local evidence.]
- * NWPO-SE-031-90 The Vulnerability of the Convention Industry to the Siting of a High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository. Douglas Easterling and Howard Kunreuther, Wharton Risk and Decision Processes Center, University of Pennsylvania (September 1990) [UNLV's school of Hotel Management is world class and could have produced a first rate analysis based on its association with the Nevada gaming and convention industry.]
- * NWPO-SE-032-90 Risk-Induced Social Impacts: The Effects of the Proposed Nuclear Waste Repository on the Residents of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Area. A. Mushkatel, D. Pijawka and M. Dantico, Management Strategies and Research Inc./ Arizona State University (September 1990) [Little discussion of positive benefits.]
- * NWPO-SE-033-90 Major Sociocultural Impacts of the Yucca Mountain High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository on Nearby Rural Communities. Ronald L. Little and Richard S. Krannich, Rocky Mountain Social Science/Utah State University. (September 1990) [Local expertise in Nevada University system overlooked.]
- * NWPO-SE-034-90 Nuclear Waste Management: A Comparative Analysis. Jacque Emel, Brian Cook, Roger Kasperson and Ortwin Renn, Center for Technology, Environment and Development, Clark University and Gordon Thompson, Institute for Resource and Security Studies (November 1990) [Irrelevant to Nevada's socioeconomic needs]
- * NWPO-SE-035-90 Estimating the Economics of a Repository from Scenario-Based Surveys: Models of the Relation of Stated Intent to Actual Behavior. Douglas Easterling, Vicki Morwitz and Howard Kunreuther, Wharton Center for Risk and Decision Processes, University of Pennsylvania (November 1990) [May overstates intent to actual behavior.]
- * NWPO-SE-036-87 Yucca Mountain Socioeconomic Project - Report on the 1987 Risk Perception Telephone Surveys. Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania; Decision Research; and Research Triangle Institute (September 1987) [Surveys used as political propaganda.]
- * NWPO-SE-037-91 Yucca Mountain Socioeconomic Project - The 1991 Nevada State Telephone Survey: Key Findings. James H. Flynn, C.K. Mertz, and Paul Slovic, Decision Research (May 1991) [Surveys used as political propaganda.]
- *NWPO-SE-038-91 Southern Nevada Residents' Views About the Yucca Mountain High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository and Related Issues: A Comparative Analysis of Urban and Rural Survey Data. Richard S. Krannich and Ronald L. Little, Utah State University and Alvin Muskatel. K. David Pijawka and Patricia Jones, Arizona State University (October 1991) [Neglects Nevada university expertise.]
- NWPO-SE-039-91 Native Americans and Yucca Mountain: A Final Summary Report (Volumes I and II). Catherine Fowler with contributions by Maribeth Hamby, Elmer Rusco and Mary Rusco, Cultural Resources Consultants Ltd. / University of Nevada, Reno (1991)
- NWPO-SE-040-91 Socioeconomic Profiles of Native American Communities: Las Vegas Tribe of Paiute Indians. Mary K. Rusco, Cultural Resources Consultants Ltd. / University of Nevada, Reno (October 1991)
- NWPO-SE-041-91 Socioeconomic Profiles of Native American Communities: Yomba Shoshone Reservation. Maribeth Hamby with Appendix on Establishment of the Yomba Reservation by Elmer Rusco, Cultural Resources Consultants Ltd. / University of Nevada, Reno (October 1991)
- NWPO-SE-042-91 Socioeconomic Profiles of Native American Communities: Duckwater Shoshone Reservation. Maribeth Hamby, Cultural Resources Consultants Ltd. / University of Nevada, Reno (October 1991)
- * NWPO-SE-043-91 Native Americans and State and Local Governments. Elmer Rusco, Cultural Resources Consultants Ltd. / University of Nevada Reno (October 1991)
- * NWPO-SE-044-91 A Structural Model Analysis of Public Opposition to a High-Level Radioactive Waste Facility. James Flynn, C.K. Mertz and Paul Slovic, Decision Research and William Burns, University of Iowa (September 1991) [Overemphasizes unchangeability of public's nuclear perceptions.]